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Star Wars, Episode I: The Gungan Frontier

Publisher: Lucas Learning
In Star Wars, Episode I: The Gungan Frontier, the Gungans' city is threatened by overpopulation. Thus, the Gungan High Council asks you, a hero of the Battle of Naboo, to establish a new colony for them on the nearby, barren moon of Naboo.

From your transport ship, you choose which life forms get to populate the moon and when they get to do so. But carefully observe how the alien animals and plants interact and depend on each other, for only when you have created a well-balanced ecological environment can the new Gungan civilization thrive in their new, underwater bubble city.

This first-ever Star Wars population simulation is designed for players age nine and up. Its missions are based on real-world ecological concepts to test your knowledge and skill as you monitor population levels, manage the food web, consult your online encyclopedia, and harvest valuable resources to build the new Gungan city.

System Requirements
- PowerPC 603e/200 or higher
- Mac OS 7.6 or higher
- 32 MB of RAM
- 30 MB of hard drive space